Just like raising a kid, you want your dog to master good manners, but sometimes we need a reminder of what is considered proper owner etiquette. Having good owner manners will help your dog improve their own.

When going on a walk you and your pooch are on both ends of the leash. It's important to remember that your actions will have an effect on what your dog does. To be a polite pet parent, you must have a polite pooch. Remember these 5 rules while going on walks to be the best owner you can be.

  1. ALWAYS Clean Up After Your Pet

Don’t be THAT person who leaves their dog’s poop behind. Cleaning up after your dog isn't just proper etiquette it’s the law. The idea that it is a good fertilizer is a misconception. The US Environment Protection Agency states it is a pollutant that harms water and carries diseases. The Arm & Hammer Dispenser clips on your leash so you won’t ever forget to bring a doggy bag with you.

  1. Implement A No Jumping Policy

You’ve seen a dog that shows his excitement by running up to strangers. While your dog jumping on you may not seem like a big deal to you, it could be for others. Teaching your dog not to jump on people shows that your dog is well-behaved and that you are a good dog owner. It prevents paw prints on clean clothing or accidentally knocking someone down. A quick and safe way to teach your dog not to jump is by stepping on the mid-point of their leash. It still gives them enough room to stand up, but not enough slack that he is able to jump on a person.

  1. Put Down Your Phone

Going on a walk is a nice time for your dog to get all of your attention. Getting on your phone prevents you from watching your dog and being aware of your surroundings. If something were to happen your reaction time will not be as fast since you are distracted. Being on your phone also prevents you from bonding with your dog and enjoying the beautiful scenery nature is offering you.

  1. Know If Your Dog Likes Other Dogs

Dog parks can be a great place for your dog to interact with other canine friends. For some dogs, it can be a stressful situation for having to interact with other dogs. If your dog doesn’t want to interact with other dogs, seems nervous or fearful around other four-legged pals, a busy dog park probably isn't the best place. Watch your dog's body language and make sure they are comfortable. Try opting for a yard hang out with one friend or a one-on-one hike instead.

  1. Be Mindful Of Leash Laws

The world is large and your dog only gets to see a glimpse of it. The safest most polite way to let your dog see the 7 wonders of your neighborhood is by keeping them on a leash. Unless you are in a specific leash-free zone and your dog is always mindful when they are being called, always keep your dog on a leash. Even the best-trained dogs can see something and take off. Some humans may not want to be approached by a dog, and when they are unleashed they have free reign to go up and bother someone that doesn’t want to be bothered.

Having your dog be on a long extended leash can have some of the same consequences. Keep your pet 6 ft. away from you in crowded places so everyone around you can feel at peace. Petmate Leashes come in a range of 4 – 6 ft so your pet will never be too far away. 

From picking up after your dog and staying off your phone, follow these simple rules to be a superstar pet parent!

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